I’m writing this on the eve of the summer solstice, a time of year that I always welcome and celebrate. I am a definite fan of longer, lighter days, warmth and sun, with my energy levels, positivity and motivation having noticeable uplifts.

The summer solstice is the time when the sun appears to pause on its eternal journey, held between the waxing and waning year. At this time our ancestors gathered and lit bonfires in honour of the sun at sunset and, after dancing, singing and sharing food, when the embers of the fire were low they jumped over them as they believed that this ensured a good harvest and protection from summer storms. Lighting a safe fire or fire pit and eating seasonal food outside, even better if cooked on the open fire, is a way that we can celebrate the solstice, our longest day and shortest night.

Throughout the northern hemisphere people will honour the solstice by visiting sites of spiritual note, taking part in ceremonies and rituals giving thanks to Mother Nature for the abundance that we see all around us, fed by the energy of the sun.

Want to celebrate the summer solstice? Here are a few ideas…

The simplest way to honour and celebrate the sun is to see it; wake up to see the sunrise/stay up to see the sunset. Go outside and sit in the sun, bathe in the energy. As you feel the power of the suns energy send out thoughts of gratitude.

If you have lit a fire/fire pit you can perform a cleansing and new energy ritual by writing down anything that you would like to eliminate from your life. Write each thing on an individual piece of paper and place them in the fire. Visualise letting go of anything that is not serving you well. Then take some time to concentrate on what you would like in your life. You could do this by writing things down or by creating a vision board.

Yogis celebrate and honour the solstice by performing 108 sun salutations (actually 216 as it’s supposed to be 108 led by the right and 108 led by the left and it’s hard work! Who said yoga was easy?) and you can embrace this by joining a practice – often outdoors at the solstice – but if you don’t regularly enjoy a yoga practice you can still honour the sun in this way by enjoying some heart opening yoga movements, check out Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube.

If the weather is not playing and the sun is hiding away you can celebrate the light of the sun by lighting a candle.

Suraya Namaskar Mantra – yogic mantra to the sun

“Aum Mitraya Namah”
“Aum Ravayre Namah”
“Aum Suryaya Namah”
“Aum Bhanave Namah”
“Aum Khagaya Namah“
“Aum Pushne Namah”
“Aum Hiranyagarbhaya Namah”
“Aum Marichaye Namah”
“Aum Adityaya Namah”
“Aum Savitre Namah”
“Aum Arkaya Namah”
“Aum Bhaskaraya Namah”

Meaning :
Who is friendly to all.
The shining one, the radiant one.
Who is the dispeller of darkness and responsible for bringing activity.
One who illumines, the bright one.
Who is all-pervading, one who moves through the sky.
Giver of nourishment and fulfillment.
Who has golden color brilliance.
The giver of light with infinite number of rays.
The son of Aditi, the cosmic divine Mother.
One who is responsible for life.
Worthy of praise and glory.
Giver of wisdom and cosmic illumination.’

Sending you love and light for the summer solstice.

Sam, founder and product maker at Bliss Therapies.

(let me know on Instagram if you celebrate the sun and summer solstice!)